Watch The Final Trailer For ‘Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker’
— Updated on 30 July 2021

Watch The Final Trailer For ‘Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker’

— Updated on 30 July 2021

Star Wars fans have boosted ESPN’s Football ratings between the New England Patriots and the New York Jets, as the final trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has just dropped during today’s game.

The incredible saga that has established an everlasting fanbase draws to an epic conclusion this December, with the trailer teasing fans with a sneak-peak at the final iconic battle between the Resistance and the First Order – the fight for peace that’s been going down since A New Hope in 1977. 

The Last Jedi divided audiences worldwide after some critics hailed it as one of the best in the series, while other die-hard fans claimed it was worse than the infamous prequels. From the looks of the trailer, Abrams is set to have us pretty satisfied with a worthwhile ending. 

Abrams confirmed to Entertainment Weekly that it’s sure to be a strong finish, stating; 

Episode IX will pick up exactly a year after the fateful affairs of The Last Jedi, with Rey and Kylo Ren preparing to have one final showdown alongside BB-8, Finn and pilot Poe Dameron.

One aspect of the film still shrouded in secrecy is the role Palpatine will play in the film. He was seemingly killed off at the end of Return of the Jedi, so fans were left scratching their heads when it was announced he was making a return. He is certainly alluded to several times throughout the trailer… there is even a shot of a cloaked figure sitting on a throne. Could this be Palpatine himself? Or maybe Rey’s evil clone? It’s fun speculation like this that’ll keep fans on their toes till December.

In the first teaser for The Rise of Skywalker, we heard Emperor Palpatine’s sinister laugh prompting fans to eagerly anticipate his return to the saga. Han Solo’s wingman Lando Calrissian also makes an iconic return in the ninth film.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker stars Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley, John Boyegam Oscar Issac, Billy Dee Williams and Adam Driver.

Watch the final trailer below.

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