‘Game Of Thrones’ Movie In Development — Here’s The Only Story We’d Care About
— 1 November 2024

‘Game Of Thrones’ Movie In Development — Here’s The Only Story We’d Care About

— 1 November 2024
Garry Lu
Garry Lu
  • Warner Bros intends to unleash a Game of Thrones movie to cinemas.
  • Feature films based on George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice & Fire had previously been proposed to punctuate the hit HBO series (but ultimately scrapped).
  • While story details have yet to be disclosed, there’s only one correct choice within Martin’s expansive lore.

From The Hollywood Reporter to Deadline, multiple reports have indicated that Warner Bros is quietly developing “at least one” Game of Thrones film.

Given the project is still in a very early stage of pre-pre-production, no filmmakers, writers, or cast are currently attached. The only certainty is that the studio is extremely keen on a feature-length adaptation set in George R.R. Martin’s fantasy universe.

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A Game of Thrones movie has been something Warner Bros (which owns HBO) has flirted with for years now.

As you may recall, the flagship series‘ co-creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss famously planned to conclude their 59 Primetime Emmy-winning run with three feature films. Instead, we were treated to their legacy-tarnishing final season in 2019…which still lives in infamy.

A Song of Ice & Fire author George R.R. Martin himself had also been keen on the big-screen treatment of Westeros; having alluded to the $100 million prospect all the way back in 2014, hulking dragons and all.

So what could this latest attempt at a Game of Thrones movie resemble?

In the years since Benioff and Weiss peaced out with a half-assed ending, HBO has produced the Targaryen-centric prequel House of the Dragon — which recently wrapped its second season — with another prequel in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (based on The Tales of Dunk & Egg) set to premiere some time in 2025.

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Additionally, on the serialised front, you can also expect the following franchise expansions:

  • 10,000 Ships (AKA Nymeria) centred on the founder of Dorne Princess Nymeria with showrunner Amanda Segel;
  • 9 Voyages (AKA The Sea Snake) centred on Lord Corlys Velaryson steered by showrunner Bruno Heller;
  • Another spin-off exploring the Westeros-defining Aegon’s conquest;
  • As well as the Golden Empire animated series centred on Yi Ti (a fabled kingdom loosely based on Imperial China).

Which leaves just one major storyline worth of the big screen: Robert’s Rebellion.

For the uninitiated, this event — otherwise known as the “War of the Usurper” — was a major conflict that effectively ended the Targaryen dynasty, installed Robert Baratheon as King of the Seven Kingdoms, and set Game of Thrones in motion. It’s also a story diehard fans have perennially demanded an adaptation for (particularly The Battle of the Trident).

Noteworthy moments were briefly alluded to in the HBO series, ranging from the instigating secret romance between Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark of Winterfell; to Lord Eddard Stark’s duel against legendary Kingsguard Ser Arthur Dayne at the Tower of Joy.

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Some may argue the Doom of Valyria, the fallen ancestral land of House Targaryen, would make for cinematic viewing. But given how it’s comparatively undetailed/lacking in source material, this could leave far too much room for error (a la House of the Dragon season 2, Game of Thrones finale).

Aegon’s Conquest could also be the move if plans for the already-underway series amounts to nothing. Though on the opposite end of the spectrum where Valyria’s Doom sits, the source material may prove too dense for a single film (or even a trilogy of films). Hence why it deserves its own series.

Stay tuned for updates on Warner Bros’ developing Game of Thrones movie.

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Garry Lu
After stretching his legs with companies such as The Motley Fool and the odd marketing agency, Garry joined Boss Hunting in 2019 as a fully-fledged Content Specialist. In 2021, he was promoted to News Editor. Garry proudly retains a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, black bruises from Muay Thai, as well as a black belt in all things pop culture. Drop him a line at garry@luxity.com.au


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