Good News: Sydney’s Legendary Indian Home Diner Has Been Saved
— 4 August 2022

Good News: Sydney’s Legendary Indian Home Diner Has Been Saved

— 4 August 2022
Chris Singh
Chris Singh

UPDATE [04/08/2022]: While the cynics amongst us – including me – doubted the Woollahra Council would budge on their draconian decision to disallow Sydney’s beloved Indian Home Diner in Paddington to trade after midnight, I’m happy to write that there’s been a positive outcome. Following Uber Eat’s rave to save the legendary late-night Indian kebab institution from possible financial ruin, and some fierce and loud community outrage, the Woollahra Council has backed down and will now allow Indian Home Diner to serve their iconic naan-wrapped Indian Kebabs until 3 AM on weekends.

It may not seem like a big deal, but the difference in opening hours means this family-run business, which does most of its trade on Fridays and Saturdays between midnight and 3 AM, is here to stay.

While throughout the week, Indian Home Diner will trade usual business hours (4 PM – 11 PM), those beautiful, cheesy, garlicky Indian kebabs will be available on Fridays and Saturdays from 4 PM till 3 PM. As they should be.

Original Article – There’s A Massive Rave To Save Sydney’s Legendary Indian Home Diner This Weekend

It’s a simple task really – dance to tunes, buy a few drinks and you could help save one of Sydney’s foremost late-night dining institutions. That’s the challenge being thrown at Sydneysiders this Saturday May 28th as UberEats hooks up with local dancefloor heroes Bag Raiders, Cosmo’s Midnight and Flight Facilities’ Hugo Gruzman in an attempt to save Indian Home Diner from a potentially devastating cut in trade.

I realise anyone reading this from anywhere but Sydney may be a bit confused right now. There are plenty of casual Indian eateries dotted around the inner-city, but Indian Home Diner is rightfully known as one of the very best. Not only because the beloved Paddington venue has perfected the art of the Indian kebab, but Indian Home Diner has long been one of the only Oxford Street institutions to stay open well past midnight on weekends.

On Fridays and Saturdays it was pretty much a rite of passage to stumble into the tiny venue just before closing time – 3 AM – and walk out with some thick pieces of chicken flavoured with butter chicken sauce and wrapped in an indulgent cheese and garlic naan. That was until recently.

The small business is now under threat after Woollahra Council found the restaurant was in breach of its DA and needed to close at midnight, effectively cutting some of its peak trade and potentially crippling the late-night dining icon for good.

Testament to just how popular Indian Home Diner has been for over a decade, countless petitions and community outrage quickly followed the council’s decision. Hence we’re now on the path to a rowdy fundraiser, taking place just a couple of doors from Indian Home Diner, at the Unicorn Hotel, where the night will be led by all three aforementioned acts – royalty as far as Sydney’s electronic scene goes.

Affectionally referred to as the Rave 2 Save Indian Home Diner, the ticketed event will do plenty to help Indian Home Diner’s owner, Robert Chowdury, raise funds in order to lodge an appeal against the council and engage a town planner to review the DA conditions.

UberEats will donate every dollar from every ticket sold to help Indian Home Diner’s appeal. Tickets are available from Eventbrite for $32.50 until sold out.

And if you feel like doubling up on your live music fix this weekend, remember that AMEX’s Back the Night music festival – headlined by Gang of Youths – is on all day Sunday, May 29th.

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Chris Singh
Chris is a freelance Travel, Food, and Technology writer. He has had work published by The AU Review, Junkee Media and Australian Traveller Media and holds tertiary qualifications in Psychology and Sociology.


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