How To Support Local Business During Coronavirus
— Updated on 2 August 2021

How To Support Local Business During Coronavirus

— Updated on 2 August 2021
Garry Lu
Garry Lu

COVID-19 has resulted in some dire economic conditions. Conditions that the everyday person will not be able to escape – and neither will local business.

Here’s your guide on how to support a local business during these tough times.

We understand that individuals will have varying financial situations. So take the following as nothing more than suggestions, only spend what you can definitely afford, and take care of yourselves.


  • Order directly from cafes/restaurants/caterers
    Hospitality businesses have been impacted the hardest lately. Obviously no one will want to expose themselves openly in public and risk COVID-19 transmissions. What you can do is still order food from these establishments. The kitchens, after all, will remain open so long as you allow them to.

    Please note ordering directly as the crucial detail here. UberEATS is always an option, sure – but ordering directly could mean the money goes straight into the pockets of the small business owners instead of having to forfeit a percentage.

  • Caterers are now open to prepping home-cooked meals
    Left without any events to cater, many are now pivoting. What exactly are they offering? Meal preparation services – home-cooked and otherwise – that’ll be sure to set you up for the rest of the week. It may also save you the effort of trying to fight for groceries (as grim as that reality is).

  • Buy your meat from a butcher
    This one’s really a win-win. Your local butcher will be able to move product and receive some revenue, and you might be able to circumnavigate the supermarket battleground. While we’re on this subject, check up on your local fruit & veggies store.

RELATED: Sydney Bars Can Now Deliver Cocktails To Your Doorstep.

Lifestyle & Recreation

  • If you can afford that gym membership, don’t cancel it just yet
    Do you work out at a local gym? I’m not talking about a franchise or chain, either. I’m talking about a one-off owned and operated by a person – not a corporate entity.

    While I would usually be an advocate for financial austerity wherever possible (i.e. not paying for shit if you’re not using it) many of these gyms and even martial art academies may not exist when all this is over – at least not without your membership fees. If it does become a burden, however, then consider cancelling.

  • Take a break from Netflix and pick up a good book instead
    As if books weren’t already fighting an uphill battle in this age of on-demand entertainment and streaming services, these latest conditions will only make things harder. But to make things easier for you, the consumer, many book stores are now offering free local delivery straight to your doorstep. Simply select the releases you’d like to flick through the pages of and get those brain gains going.

    Yes, I know Amazon exists, and Amazon will exist long after COVID-19 blows over. It goes without saying that operating as a local business is far more tenuous.

The “Non-Essentials”

  • Gift vouchers for future use
    “Non-essentials” in this case refers to the niceties and fun stuff that probably won’t see much use during the indoor months. Clothing retailers, cinema viewing, or other experiences like spa & massage days, beauty treatments, clothing retailers, paintball, go-karting… you name it. While it’s unclear when the COVID-19 pandemic will pass, you can always negotiate a gift voucher with an extended expiry date for future use.

For the time being, just cop the postage/delivery fees

  • We’re all in this together – bite the bullet
    Like many of you, I’ve been known to jump through ridiculous hoops and surrender ridiculous amounts of data just to avoid an extra $5.99. But I think for these extraordinary circumstances, we should all just cop it. If you can afford to order something online, you can afford the little bit of extra to help make the lives of everyone in the process a tad easier.

    P.S. If you can tip – tip!

Looking for ways to kill the time while we’re in COVID-19 induced lockdown? Here’s a list of 101 things as prescribed by BH.

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Garry Lu
After stretching his legs with companies such as The Motley Fool and the odd marketing agency, Garry joined Boss Hunting in 2019 as a fully-fledged Content Specialist. In 2021, he was promoted to News Editor. Garry proudly retains a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, black bruises from Muay Thai, as well as a black belt in all things pop culture. Drop him a line at [email protected]


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