Forbes Reveals What The Highest-Earning Podcasters Were Paid In 2019
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— Updated on 5 May 2021

Forbes Reveals What The Highest-Earning Podcasters Were Paid In 2019

— Updated on 5 May 2021
Garry Lu
Garry Lu

Radio may be dying a slow and undignified death but the audio medium has found a second life in podcasts. To the point podcasts have now become a staple of the era — and there’s plenty of bank to be made from it as well.

Forbes recently revealed what the highest-earning podcasters were paid in 2019. And while the names may not surprise you, the sums sure as shit will.

Check it out below.

  1. Joe Rogan – US$30 million
    The Joe Rogan Experience 
    No male between the ages of 15 to 35 can honestly say they’re shocked. Joe Rogan as a podcast medium first and personality second has reached a cultural ubiquity in the last few years that’s almost inescapable. And for good reason. The sheer diversity of guests and the breadth of topics covered is unmatched. 
  2. Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark – US$15 million
    My Favourite Murder
    Riding the wave of the everyday person’s fascination with crime, murder, and whatnot, My Favourite Murder has cashed in… and then some. Currently, they have five spinoff podcasts, a bestselling book, and a pretty undeniable brand to show for it.
  3. Dave Ramsey – US$10 million
    The Dave Ramsey Show
    For a large proportion of the population, Dave Ramsey isn’t exactly a familiar name. But he’s well-known enough to hit it big. Taking a page from the old school, which tracks given Ramsey is a veteran radio host, the format of this podcast is call-in advice. He also dishes out some personal finance and budgeting advice. 
  4. Dax Shepard – US$9 million
    Armchair Expert
    Yes, that Dax Shepard. He has a podcast (because who doesn’t in this day and age) and it’s very successful. With an estimated monthly audience of 20 million listeners since he started out back in 2018, this sort of takes a page out if the Joe Rogan book, with its talk show format and celebrity/expert guests.
  5. Bill Simmons – US$7 million
    The Bill Simmons Podcast
    This podcast is fronted by former ESPN commentator and creator of The Ringer. Coasting along in Apple’s top twenty-five rankings for a few years now, it has found its audience and amassed a considerable following.

The lesson here? Round up a group of your three most interesting mates during an arvo at the pub and start recording. 

While you’re at it, why not help us get that bread by giving the BH podcast Friday Sharpeners a listen here.

We talk a decent amount of shit on both Spotify and Apple – so be sure to check it out and feel free to send us any feedback via [email protected].

RELATED: The ‘Formula’ For Getting A Billion Views On YouTube.

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Garry Lu
After stretching his legs with companies such as The Motley Fool and the odd marketing agency, Garry joined Boss Hunting in 2019 as a fully-fledged Content Specialist. In 2021, he was promoted to News Editor. Garry proudly retains a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, black bruises from Muay Thai, as well as a black belt in all things pop culture. Drop him a line at [email protected]


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