Bloke Sets World Record By Drinking At 56 Different Pubs In 24 Hours
— 14 June 2022

Bloke Sets World Record By Drinking At 56 Different Pubs In 24 Hours

— 14 June 2022
Garry Lu
Garry Lu

A Welsh native by the name of Gareth Murphy has officially broken the Guinness World Record for most pubs visited within 24 hours.

The 29-year-old IT worker from Caernarfon threw one back at 56 different venues located in Cardiff city centre, which was the perfect proving ground considering how it’s renowned for having the highest density of pubs, bars, and clubs in the UK (over 300 licensed premises crammed in a half square mile area).

Although the bevvies consumed weren’t exclusively the boozy kind – the world record simple states 125 ml of any drink sold at any establishment licensed to sell alcoholic beverages on the premises, e.g. pubs, bars, clubs – it proved to be a Herculean effort nonetheless.

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“It was a long, tiring day. The hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life,” said Gareth Murphy.

“I lost count of how many toilet breaks I took. At the beginning, it was minimal, once every 10 pubs say, but by the end, I think I was going once every two or three pubs.”

“It made all the hard work and preparation worth it. It feels great to achieve something like this.”

Over the course of this historic session, Gareth Murphy consumed the following:

  • 4,915 ml (8.6 pints) of orange juice
  • 2,845 ml (5 pints) of apple juice
  • 1,023 ml (1.8 pints) of beer
  • 500 ml (0.8 pints) of lemonade
  • 284 ml (0.5 pints) of Diet Pepsi
  • 250 ml (0.4 pints) of Tango
  • 189 ml (0.33 pints) of blackcurrant cordial
  • 125 ml (0.2 pints) of Coca-Cola
  • 125 ml (0.2 pints) of Guinness
  • 125 ml (0.2 pints) of cranberry juice

That’s about 18 pints of liquid in total. Or just a touch over 10 litres.

Gareth Murphy - Guinness World Record Most Pubs Visited

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Murphy noted that while “a cold pint of Guinness” is his favourite drink, for the sake of strategy, he was forced to limit contact with the good stuff. As well as most grog.

“I knew I had to stay off the Guinness as it’s quite a heavy drink. I did have a beer in a few select pubs, but I knew I couldn’t overdo it as I knew the fizz would immediately make me bloated.”

Prior to Gareth Murphy’s effort, which actually occurred a few months earlier on February 5th of 2022, the individual Guinness World Record for most pubs visited within 24 hours was held by one Matt Ellis – a wine merchant from Cambridgeshire who made his mark last year.

world record pub crawl 24 hours matt ellis

Prior to Matt Ellis, the throne had been completely vacant. Although it’s worth noting a group of 13 mates managed to hit up 250 New York bars within 24 hours circa September 2011, effectively achieving a team world record.

The team members who took part in the team record were: Chris Solarz, Ivan Wanat, Matt Bockelman, Eric Bockelman, Brent Bockelman, Dalmau Reig, Wesley Erdelack, Michael Rasiej, Francis Laros, Steve McLaughlin, Rickey Gawley, Roger Wu and Bea Reig. Their attempt began at 8:44 AM on a Saturday and concluded at 12:44 AM the following Sunday

Well… what are you waiting for? Get out there and earn a place in history.

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Garry Lu
After stretching his legs with companies such as The Motley Fool and the odd marketing agency, Garry joined Boss Hunting in 2019 as a fully-fledged Content Specialist. In 2021, he was promoted to News Editor. Garry proudly retains a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, black bruises from Muay Thai, as well as a black belt in all things pop culture. Drop him a line at [email protected]


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