Joel’s Journey: The Inspiring Story of This 24-Year Old
— 8 May 2015

Joel’s Journey: The Inspiring Story of This 24-Year Old

— 8 May 2015
Joshua Bozin
Joshua Bozin

On the 31st of August, 2014, Joel Sardi’s life changed forever. Falling from a staircase whilst out with friends, Joel sustained devastating injuries to his spinal chord leaving him a C5 incomplete quadriplegic, with still little knowledge to the full-extent of his paralysis.

Since the accident, the 24-year old has been recovering at The Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Hospital in Melbourne, where he undergoes daily rehabilitation sessions that will help him to adjust to the injuries he has sustained.

Through hard work, extensive rehabilitation sessions and the support of his family and friends, Joel is certain that he will one day walk again.

Over the past year, Joel’s road to recovery has not been an easy one. With everyday being a constant struggle, living in a body that will not function, Joel continues to think positive, working hard at the Royal Talbot and inspiring many whilst doing so. Joel’s story has inspired hundreds, from family and friends to his former comrades in the Australian Army, where for the past 4 years he served as a rifleman in 7RAR Adelaide before his accident.

But Joel doesn’t see himself as an inspiration; not just yet.

“I don’t want to use the word inspiring. But the day that I walk again.. I guess that’s when it’ll be inspiring.”

Recently in May of this year, in the hope to raise much needed funds for Joel’s rehabilitation and vital equipment needed for his progress, family and friends gathered to organise a fundraiser gala held at the Ivanhoe Town Hall. Through many hours of planning and organising, the night was a great success in supporting Joel’s recovery, raising just over $75,000 on the night.

A documentary-film created by close friend Fraser Green was presented on the night to exemplify the daily struggles that Joel faces in trying to adjust to life as a quadriplegic. Below is the link to this short-film titled ‘Joel’ which everyone and anyone is encouraged to share with their family and friends over all social media forums.

www.joelsardisjourney.comis also the website created for anyone interested in following Joel’s journey to recovery, but also a way in which people can donate to Joel’s cause.

In the following months, Joel will return to his home in Melbourne, Australia where he will continue his rehabilitation sessions in working towards his goal to one day walk again.

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Joshua Bozin


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