What Modern-Day Dads Really Want For Father’s Day
— Updated on 22 June 2021

What Modern-Day Dads Really Want For Father’s Day

— Updated on 22 June 2021
Boss Hunting
Boss Hunting

Not so long ago, Father’s Day was the easiest celebration on the calendar. You’d throw your old man a bottle of red, a new pair of socks or a couple of packs of pro golf balls and he’d raise a beer and grunt a genuine approval. Job done.

Today, being a dad is all about sharing duties and connecting with the kids, so this year, THE ICONIC asked a coterie of modern-day dads what they really wanted for Father’s Day this year. And, unsurprisingly, it ain’t socks.

Andy – A Holiday (but Sneakers will do)

A holiday. Please. But sadly I’m pretty sure my kids can’t afford one yet, even if my five-year-old and three-year-old clubbed together… If their mummy lends a hand (if you’re reading!), I really need a new pair of sneakers. Something classic you can wear anywhere, like Lacoste.

Dan – A Rash Vest

A couple of hours at the beach for a proper surf would be nice, without having to take down the buckets and spades and beach toys with me! I don’t ask for much but a new rashie would be a good little present as well.

Richard – Something New To Wear

It falls on my daughter’s birthday this year so I can guarantee the whole Father’s Day thing is going to get a bit overshadowed… But as we’re going up the coast for that weekend, I’d take something new to wear out and about. Ideally, something that my daughter will tell me I’m too old to wear.

Stuart – Whisky 

It’s too obvious to say some peace and quiet or a whole day at the pub without the kids, isn’t it? In all seriousness, I love Father’s Day, although I actually did get socks last year and I’ll probably get them again this time. Time for my kids to up their game I think and get me a good bottle of whisky!

Hamish – Fossil Sport Smartwatch

It should be something big for being such a great dad – even if my son’s not even one yet! A Fossil watch would be the dream. But just a good night’s sleep would be equally awesome.

Ben – Underwear

Is it weird to ask for undies for Father’s Day? I guess it was always socks, so why not some undies. Some good Calvin Klein ones – they’re honestly the perfect thing to get because they’re the kind of thing you always forget to buy yourself. 

See our picks for dad from THE ICONIC here

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