Explore by Rodd & Gunn Showcases The Best New Zealand Has To Offer

Explore by Rodd & Gunn Showcases The Best New Zealand Has To Offer

James Want
James Want



COVID may have thwarted our trip to Queenstown in 2020 to visit Rodd & Gunn’s experimental retail dining space, The Lodge Bar, but it certainly didn’t hinder the brand’s confidence, doubling down with a second venue in Auckland’s upmarket Britomart. Somehow, we managed to sneak a trip in in 2021 – days before Sydney’s second wave of lockdowns – to celebrate the one year anniversary of R&G’s flagship space, and any scepticism about the concept was put to bed instantly, greeted by a heaving bar and bustling store, just before 7pm on a Thursday.

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Rodd & Gunn’s transition from traditional to trailblazing, however, hasn’t happened overnight and while they’re on the right path, adding innovative hospitality and conscious collections like Waste Not Want Not, shifting the consumer’s perception of the brand remains their biggest challenge.

Enter, Explore by Rodd & Gunn.

Kauri Bay Boomrock

To be considered a true lifestyle brand, Rodd & Gunn must embrace all the experiences that make our lives rich. Aligning with wholesome ambassadors like Tom Hawkins and supporting unique tourism operators like Kauri Bay Boomrock – who treated Jack and myself to a phenomenal day clay pigeon shooting and drinking whisky (in that order) – is just the beginning of bringing R&G to life for the wider customer. Allowing them to live it first hand, is an entirely different beast, and forges a real, enduring connection with the brand, and that is precisely what Explore by Rodd & Gunn offers.

Redefining what constitutes a quality life, the Explore concept aims to deliver meaningful and unique brand experiences, showcasing the very best of New Zealand with bespoke adventures and itineraries, championing scenery and escapism, to new and loyal customers. We were lucky to be treated to 48 hours of said hospitality, from free flowing Beretta rounds to free flowing Pol Roger, before finishing with an unforgettable chopper ride to Great Barrier Island, for a once in a lifetime session with rod in hand – kitted top to bottom in some of Rodd & Gunn’s finest menswear.

In what was, undoubtedly, the most hollywood operation I’ve ever been privy too, our pilot pointed to a 25m rock shelf protruding from the island, a thousand feet below us, and said “that’s where we’re landing”. After executing a textbook arrival, to the cheers of the cabin, he and The Lodge Bar Dining chef Matt Lambert got to work burleying and BBQ’ing. From the moment the pilchards hit the water our rods were dipping, casually reeling in snapper after snapper. We were told it was impossible not to catch a fish, and we weren’t disappointed, with cold beers and postcard worthy conditions contributing to the perfect storm: Jack landing an absolute monster.

Encompassing everything from urban exploration to heli-skiing – the three tiers offered by Rodd & Gunn range from all-inclusive personalised itineraries, to one-off activities, all designed to help you discover New Zealand and create long lasting memories. Explore is all about living the Rodd & Gunn lifestyle, and, if our time in Auckland is any indication of what’s on offer, you can rest assured you’ll be leaving with a big smile on your face.

Head to Rodd & Gunn Explore to learn more.

RoddAndGunn Explore Exports 23

This article is sponsored by Rodd & Gunn. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Boss Hunting.

James Want
James is the co-founder of Luxity Media and managing editor of Boss Hunting and B.H. Magazine. He has more than twelve years experience writing, photographing, producing, and publishing both earned and paid content in the men's lifestyle space.


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